The 1st Week School took place in Marseille, France from 9-14 December 2019 and brought together the MUSIQ partners and the ESRs for the first time to discuss developing the next-generation optical microscopy exploiting quantum coherent nonlinear phenomena. The program consisted of different networking and training elements starting off with a two day symposium where all PIs presented their research and activities within the MUSIQ project. The ESRs also each had the opportunity to present themselves and their individual ESR projects and had organised posters related to their research which helped all participants to receive a detailed overview of how each person will be contributing to the project.
The second element of the 1st MUSIQ week was dedicated to the training of the ESRs. Over the next four days the ESRs received the first sessions of the multi-disciplinary training programme that specifically addresses the scientific, technical and career development challenges associated with MUSIQ’s vision of developing the next-generation optical microscopy exploiting quantum coherent nonlinear phenomena. These topics included the 1st School on Molecular nonlinear optics held by CNRS and two transferable skills trainings on time project management for scientists and on gender equality held by Hertz.
The full MUSIQ training programme is structured around 6 weeks of network-wide face-to-face events that will equip the ESRs with the combination of research-related and transferable competences needed to succeed in the European science, technology and innovation sector.
You can follow the MUSIQ ESRs via Instagram