The MUSIQ training programme is structured around network-wide events specific to MUSIQ that will equip the ESRs with the combination of research-related and transferable competences needed to succeed in the European science, technology and innovation sector.
1st MUSIQ week: hosted by CNRS in Marseille (France) at month 9; face-to-face
1st Network symposium
1st School “Molecular nonlinear optics”
Time project management for scientists. Gender equality
2nd School “Nano-Plasmonics and applications”
Effective research presentation skills for scientists
2nd Network symposium
3rd School “Ultrafast optical spectroscopy”
Innovation, Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship
4th MUSIQ week: organised by Cardiff (UK) at month 29; online
4th School “Advanced optical microscopy in the life sciences”
Career orientation and planning for scientists. Gender equality
5th MUSIQ week: hosted by GSK in Stevenage (United Kingdom) at month 38
3rd Network symposium
Imaging meets Quantum – Cluster Day
Communicating science to the wider public
6th MUSIQ week: hosted by POLIMI In Milano (Italy) at month 48
Management and task-coordination
Closing Network symposium
Open Science debate
Continuous Training Activities
- MUSIQ Journal Club (Cardiff)
- ESR Web forum (Cardiff)
- Seminar Series (All Beneficiaries)
- Secondments