ESR9: Saurabh Ishar Borkar

Host: The Institute of Photonic Science, Molecule Nanophotonics, Spain

Coherent ultrafast electronic and vibrational molecular dynamics of single molecules at room temperature using fluorescence readouts

Supervisor: Prof. Niek van Hulst

MUSIQ Research

On one hand, we want to address individual molecules at room temperature and optimize their excitation and read-out. To this end, we will exploit enhancement by nanoplasmonic antennas. At the same time, we want to record the ultrafast electronic and vibrational molecular dynamics of these individual molecules and explore any sign of coherence at room temperature. This project shall be implemented with different pulse scheme: monocolor/ multi-color, 2, 3 or 4 pulses. Starting with 2 pulses (pump-deplete) we want to probe directly the dynamics of the relaxation of the higher energy excitonic state into the lowest. The investigation of ultrafast dynamics will involve sending a tailored sequence of ultra- short pulses to a certain area of the sample and recording a certain observable while changing the experimental parameters, such as the inter-pulse delay or the laser spectral phase.

Scientific Background

Saurabh received his Bachelor’s in Engineering Physics from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, India in 2017. For his masters, he joined Erasmus Mundus Europhotonics program. He completed his masters from Aix-Marseille University, France and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany in 2019. During his bachelors and masters he conducted research in various labs in Taiwan, France and Germany. During this period he worked on different topics such as Lensless diffractive Imaging with coherent XUV radiation, Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy and Rogue Waves in Semiconductor Laser. For his master thesis, he worked at Institute Fresnel in Marseille under the supervision of Sophie Brasselet on orientation of single molecules in 3-D using super resolution microscopy.

Science Slam